Sunday, August 21, 2005

Reading other's blog...

Just happened to be reading a couple of my friend's blog today... maybe I'm just bored. :p

Here's to share with everyone:

1) Zonghe's blog
Zonghe's in US now and the blog is set up specially for us to know more about his life in the US. Very interesting blog full of beautiful photos. Really hope he'll have a great time in US and take good care of himself there. :)

2) Minyi's blog
Minyi introduced me to blogspot. Well, we've been friends for almost 4 years now, since NUS year 1. She was my president of NUSPS, back in year 1. :) A very caring & dedicated friend who's forever so positive about her life. She never fails to make me smile. Thanks dear.

3) Joann's blog
Joann's my dear friend from NUS, USP. We did a project together when we did the module- Conflict Resolution: Negotiation and Mediation... She just flew to Germany to further her studies and we can read more about her life thru the blog. :)

Yup, these's are the blogs that I know of... maybe if u've a blog too, do send me the link ok?

For the first time, tried my web cam today with Zonghe this afternoon... It was working fine, then suddenly malfunctioned... After much troubleshooting and restarting of comp and switching computers to try it out... it's really spoilt... so sad... I think it's still within the warranty period, so I've to make a trip to Sim Lim some time... (need to go dig out the receipt too... hope it's still around..). Very sad...

A lazy Sunday afternoon for me... Was packing up my room this morning and tidying up my CDs and so on... Yup, just stoning at home. Kinda brain dead... not doing anything, not thinking abt anything... sigh... how come like tt? What can I do to make my life more interesting/ fulfilling?


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